What Is Ear Acupuncture? Why And How Is It Done?

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Ear Acupuncture

Although acupuncture is an Asian-origin treatment, it has become a commonly used practice in Europe and the rest of the world. In fact, the ear acupuncture method, which was developed based on the acupuncture method, was also developed in Western Europe. Today, many diseases can be diagnosed and treated using this method.

What Is Ear Acupuncture?

The ear, with its microsystem, represents a baby in the womb. There are three different layers on the ear, namely endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm.

These layers are like the three main embryonic layers that the human body has when it is in the fetal state.

Accordingly, the earlobe corresponds to the fetus’s head, the outer edge of the ear corresponds to the spine, and the ear hole corresponds to the internal organs. In other words, it is possible to identify the locations of different parts of the body on the ear.

Thus, the diagnosis and treatment of health problems that arise at different points in the body can be carried out with ear acupuncture.

Ear acupuncture is the process of stimulating the points on the outer ear and thus diagnosing and treating health problems located at different points in the body.

French Dr. Nogier, who developed this treatment method, mapped the reflex points on the ear based on the ear diagnosis method as a result of his studies. It can be applied to the treatment of problems such as headaches, allergies, various addictions, and pain disorders.**

Why Is Ear Acupuncture Applied?

Ear acupuncture can be used in the diagnosis and treatment of a wide variety of diseases that occur in different parts of the body. It is possible to make a list of these diseases as follows:

  • Weight control and obesity treatment,
  • Pain in joints, shoulders, waist and neck, sciatica, hip, knee and ankle, musculoskeletal system,
  • Tennis elbow,
  • Knee arthritis,
  • Fibromyalgia syndrome,
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome or various nerve compression,
  • Migraine, trigeminal neuralgia, tension-type and cervicogenic headaches,
  • Toothache,
  • Facial paralysis,
  • Pain after surgery,
  • Temporomandibular joint dysfunctions,
  • Gastrointestinal disorders such as constipation, diarrhoea, abdominal or gall bladder pain,
  • Ear, nose, throat and chest diseases such as asthma, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis or tinnitus,
  • Stress, depression, insomnia and panic attacks,
  • Premenstrual syndrome,
  • Pruritus,
  • Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.

The diagnosis of the above diseases and whether the ear acupuncture method can be used in the treatment of these diseases is determined as a result of the examinations performed by the doctor.

While some patients relax immediately after ear acupuncture, some patients may take longer to relax.

How Is Ear Acupuncture Applied?

In the ear acupuncture method, stainless steel, gold or silver-plated needles are used and these needles are disposable. After the person lies down, the needles are inserted into various areas in the ear by the doctor and then the following points are focused on:

  • Changes in the pulse,
  • Changes in pupil reflexes,
  • Abnormal findings in the frequency of the point where the needle is inserted,
  • Changes in the electrical resistance of the point where the needle is inserted,
  • Whether pain and pain sensations are aroused and changes in facial expressions.


The procedure does not, for example, directly indicate a problem in the liver. It only gives information that there may be a problem with the liver. In addition, the methods that can be used during ear acupuncture application are as follows:

  • Permanent needles,
  • Permanent seeds of the Vaccaria plant,
  • Laser device,
  • Different needles called ASP,
  • Permanent magnetic balls.

Thanks to the ear acupuncture method, the symptoms and causes of diseases can be treated without using medication and without any side effects. For a smooth treatment process, it is necessary to get support from a specialist physician.

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