Differences Between Conventional Medicine and Functional Medicine
Conventional medicine focuses on how the disease is in the patient, while functional medicine focuses on how the disease is in the patient.
In conventional medicine, the organ is treated, while in functional medicine, the organism is treated.
Functional medicine focuses on maintaining and restoring health, while conventional medicine focuses on disease management.
In functional medicine, the patient is not a passive but an active role, an active player.
The more a doctor knows his patient and his complaints, symptoms, environment, family structure, and working environment, the more successful he will be in both his diagnosis and treatment. I am sad to encounter the thought that a treatment decision can be made by looking at only blood tests or imaging results.
We should prioritize the medical practice that listens, understands, evaluates its patient in all aspects, and provides its patient with participation in diagnosis and treatment.
Functional medicine is 4 P medicine:
- Predictive
- Preventive
- Personalized
- Participatory
What Are The Basic Principles Of Functional Medicine?
Determination of the cause underlying the disease instead of solving the symptoms, evaluation of the precursors, triggers, and intermediary factors that play a role in the process, and also taking into account the biological uniqueness of the individual.
Let’s be healthy.