Is Holistic Functional Medicine For You?

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[Toplam: 1 Ortalama: 5]
  • Are you looking for a quick fix right now, or do you want to know what to do in the long term to avoid the same complaints again?
  • Are you ready to understand why you have undiagnosed complaints and are you ready to do something to make these complaints disappear completely?
  • Do you suffer from bloating, pain, constipation, diarrhoea, etc. after every meal and do they disturb you so much that they disturb your sleep at night?
  • Do you have a chronic cough that does not go away, shortness of breath and seasonal allergies that bother you a lot?
  • Are you tired of constantly losing and gaining weight and have set your goal to eat healthy to stay healthy rather than lose weight and want support in this regard?
  • When you gain weight, you complain of fat accumulation only in certain parts of your body and when you lose weight, you lose weight only in certain places, are you looking for support in this regard?
  • You have menstrual irregularities, you think you are entering menopause, do you have acne, abdominal pain in the premenstrual period and mood swings?
  • Are you looking for what to do to avoid the diseases of our age (cancer, dementia, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, neuropathy, inflammatory rheumatism, osteoporosis, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, attention deficit, thyroid diseases, autism, diabetes, blood pressure)?

Then the functional medicine approach is a suitable way for you.

Remember that there will be a lot to do for you in the functional medicine approach. Behavior and attitude changes that you need to make in your daily life, such as lifestyle changes, diet adjustment, exercise, stress management, and sleep regulation, constitute an important part of the treatment.

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